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Our College

Strategic Plan

Established in 1970, Rose State College (RSC) is a public institution of higher education, fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. RSC serves students with over 60 in-person and online degree/certificate plans—offering the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science, and specialized certificates.  Although physically located in eastern Oklahoma County, RSC has a widespread impact across the metropolitan Oklahoma City area and the state of Oklahoma, with 70 percent of its students coming from outside of the College’s Technical Service District.  RSC prides itself as a community educational and cultural asset while remaining focused on its students.

President Webb reinstituted the Strategic Planning Committee in August 2021 to begin work on creating an updated Strategic Plan for 2022-2026.  Meetings and email surveys were regularly scheduled from September 2021 through April 2022 to invite input into the strategic plan work from all campus faculty, staff, and students, as well as community members through the RSC Foundation.  The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan was presented and approved at the RSC Board of Regents on April 21, 2022.  This plan went into effect on July 1, 2022.

The next phase of the current Strategic Plan’s implementation is having each campus area create their own mission and vision to and to create key performance indicators (KPIs) that will contribute to the success of the campus Strategic Plan.  Performance on these KPIs will be assessed at the end of each fiscal year, to allow for continuous evaluation and improvement efforts as needed throughout the span of this Strategic Plan.  Such efforts will ensure that Rose State College remains a consistent and innovative contributor to the improvement of the economic and social well-being of the community, state, and citizenry that we serve.


As a public and open admission institution that grants associate degrees, Rose State College provides higher education programs and services intended to foster lifelong learning for a diverse population.


Supporting, serving and advancing the common good – sustaining and advancing a tradition of excellence.


  • Learning: The College is a learner-centered institution that regards students as partners in the learning process and supports them in meeting their educational goals.


    • Continually revise and evaluate campus offerings to support community and workforce needs.
    • Identify clear pathways for current and prospective students to be successful in accomplishing their goals.
    • Expand student co-curricular and extracurricular learning opportunities, as well as assessment of these efforts.
    • Continue to partner with Oklahoma and regional colleges and universities to create and improve pathways to baccalaureate degree completion.
    • Identify the best processes to further engage with students, to best support their success in courses, degree and certificate completion, and transfer.


  • Excellence: The College establishes high standards designed to promote and sustain learning in an innovative environment, thereby honoring the trust of its internal and external stakeholders.


    • Identify and implement best practices to remain at the forefront of meeting students’ needs.
    • Increase investment in faculty and staff professional development and continuing education opportunities.
    • Promote faculty, staff, and student excellence and achievement through increased and consistent campus-wide and community marketing efforts.
    • Continue to identify and address needed improvements to campus spaces, resources, services, and technology, to ensure an innovative learning environment.


  • Integrity: The College maintains fair, honest, accurate, and consistent policies and procedures to assure credibility and accountability.


    • Implement additional information sessions and opportunities year-round with campus financial leaders, to promote transparency in budget and finance processes.
    • Increase use of data to assess success of practices and policies and inform decision-making.
    • Create and implement campus-wide new student and staff orientations, to ensure knowledge of campus processes and expectations while providing a supportive environment conducive to growth.


  • Service: The College builds lasting relationships with the communities it serves – recognizing the unique opportunity it has to positively impact the lives of both students and the greater citizenry.


    • Expand the college-wide advising system to help students recognize their goals early on.
    • Expand mentorship, service-learning, and volunteer opportunities to benefit students and community partners.
    • Contribute to lifelong learning in the community by increasing the number of faculty- and staff-led events available to the community.
    • Support and promote faculty and staff service engagement in the community.


  • Diversity: Acknowledging the value of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, the College is a place of diversity, civility, and collegiality, and celebrates the benefits of mutual learning and growth from all.


    • Continue to identify and implement effective forms of recruitment, outreach, and support for all potential and current students, including those from historically marginalized populations.
    • Increase faculty and staff awareness of and support for diverse learning styles and populations.
    • Increase diversity and social awareness learning opportunities for faculty, staff, and students through consistent weekly and monthly events.
    • Improve campus spaces and learning environments by addressing ADA and safety needs.
    • Increase investment of resources for the campus Diversity Center’s services that are aimed at supporting historically marginalized populations.

Printable Copy of Rose State College’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan (PDF).